Had this jotted down from an idea that came to me in the middle of the night. I love the idea of all-occasion cards that can really go any direction. You fill out exactly what you want to say and thus you'll ALWAYS have "just the right card." Available here (and the link permanently sits in the upper right corner of this page under "Purchasing.")
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Have you heard of the Secret Message Society? Maybe you should! I've been a secret message maker, leaver, finder and lover for probably my whole life. I just never had a name to call it. But after watching my friend, Mandy Steward, thrash about and grow her art message, I found a group of like-minded people who see the hidden magic in finding the silver lining and secret messages in life's moments. As much as I love finding them, I love leaving them even more. Thinking someone could find just the right message at just the time they are needing/wanting to receive it gives me the greatest thrill. So keep your eyes open, Wenatchee, you never know what you may find.
We're in the middle of one of those times when everything seems harder than it should be. Everyone is, or has been, or continues to be, sick: lingering coughs, fevers, headaches, sinus pain, vertigo, nausea and emergency room visits. Add to this canceled vacations, too little remaining sick leave, frequent school absences and missed work and you have a recipe for nothing good. In the midst of all this, there is still plenty of good to be found. Beautiful weather, beds to sleep in, cars to drive, money for necessities, good general health (what we have going on now is temporary), supportive coworkers, good jobs and family who loves us and whom we love and can always count on when necessary. Good to remember that almost without exception, it can always be worse and it will always get better.