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Where, oh where, have I been? [Wenatchee photography + design]

I'd like to say I was on vacation in the south of France, watching the sun set over golden hills. I'd LIKE to say I was in Santorini, Greece seeing water so blue it made me weep. Sadly, noeither of those are true and instead we've had a nearly three week bout of on-again, off-again flu go through every member of our family at different times and intensities. It's been rainy and we've felt yucky and not much has happened in the household worth mentioning. Other than surviving, of course, which is really what's important.

We've had a few things going on, which is par for the course with the approaching summer. Finally, FINALLY, getting a little sun. High school prom, school functions and field trips and the start of an itchy green thumb. I have tomatoes to plant, Indy and I made 4 terrariums full of cacti and succulents and bought (and fed!) a Venus Fly Trap. A few pics below because the light was good and my teens were agreaable to being photographed (if you knew how rare that was...), one right before prom dinner and a cell-pic at Lowe's because the flowers were gorgeous in the light. You know, LIFE, or business as usual.


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Advice to my daughters, "Remember this" [Wenatchee photography and design]

I have three daughters. I always knew I wanted girls and it never occured to me I could have had boys. So it was a good thing it worked out this way! I am always trying to pass on things to them that they should know and so this year, when thinking about starting a personal project, I thought I could combine my photos and my words into some sort of message to them. My plan is to do one a week for the whole year and at the end of the year, have them made into a book and give them each a copy. The first six weeks are below and I'll keep posting them here as I do them.


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Digital Photography collage: July, August, Septemper 2009

What's that saying? The hurried-er I go the behind-er I get? I am woefully behind on my monthly collage page. I have been doing these for 3 years now, one a month with a few favorite photos and a couple lines about what was going on at the time. Kind of a digital journal, although my plan is to have them bound into a book in 5 year increments. Here is July, August and September for 2009. As always, the whole collection can be seen in the gallery. I'll catch up and get back to doing one a month when the stories are still fresh in my head. Do you do any sort of storytelling using words and photos (or other art and words?) Do share!






Digital photography collage: June '09 monthly wrapup

I'm a wee bit behind, will get July's done and up soon. It's a goal, I don't like being "behind", even on something self-imposed. I'm a do-it-as-soon-as-it-comes-in kinda' person. I don't know if it's efficiency so much as fear of forgetting. I'm also an out-of-site-out-of-mind kinda' person so doing everything right away keeps me on top of things. If I ever told you I'd do something and you haven't heard from me in a reasonable amount of time, don't hesitate to contact me. Most likley means I need a reminder. It doesn't happen often, but does on occasion. As always you can find this whole collection in the gallery.
