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Chelan [wenatchee art + design]

Love. Lake Chelan. Always a favorite place to visit and draw inspiration from.

Chelan Winter Impression. Available both as a panoramic print or the two individual images (below).

Chelan Winter Impression. Available both as a panoramic print or the two individual images (below).

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Whimsy [Wenatchee design + photography]

Had a wonderful comment on some of my recent floral watercolors at Was told I had a "beautiful and whimsical style" and I thought "what an awesome thing to hear about myself." Whimsical: playfully quaint or fanciful, especially in an appealing and amusing way. I like that my work makes me smile and I hope it does you too. So, if whimsy it is, I'll take it!



Mixed Bag [Wenatchee design + photography]

Can you feel the change of seasons? It's subtle because it's still warm outside, but the mornings are a little crisper, the nights a little longer and everyone seems to be holding on to the last of summer just as long as they can. I started hiking my favorite hills again, now that it's cooler. Also, I was trying to get over plantar fasciitis and used it as a reason to take the summer, and it's heat, off. So far so good, my heels aren't bothering me TOO MUCH. Enjoyed painting this weekend as well, ending up going in several different directions, which suits me just fine.

I hope these samples help you picture how beautiful art can transform a space. Everything I sell is available here.

I hope these samples help you picture how beautiful art can transform a space. Everything I sell is available here.
