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365 Project: March [Wenatchee Art + Design]

Winter is flying by and here we're coming into spring. Still going strong on this project. Many of these are available in both the original art or as prints/canvas/home goods and more. If you can't find it (start in the upper right of my website on the PURCHASING tab) please email me! I'll do what I can to help, or try to make it happen if it's not currently available.



365 Project: February [Wenatchee Design + Photography]

Still going strong! Here is everything done for February. Many of these are available in both the original art or as prints/canvas/home goods and more. If you can't find it (start in the upper right of my website on the PURCHASING tab) please email me! I'll do what I can to help, or try to make it happen if it's not currently available.



365 Project, remaining January [wenatchee art + design]

I made it through the whole month with a piece of art every day ("make something cool every day")! These are the remaining for January. Looking forward to February (it's a short month!) Many of these are available in both the original art or as prints/canvas/home goods and more. If you can't find it (start in the upper right of my website on the PURCHASING tab) please email me! I'll do what I can to help, or try to make it happen if it's not currently available.



365 days [Wenatchee art + design]

Decided to attempt to "Make Something Cool Every Day". It's a little open ended, but I'm loosely thinking this will mean making cool things in my wheel house (photography, graphic design, art) but wouldn't be surprised if a little quilting, sewing, knit/crochet show up as well. I like to do lots of things! Below are my first 17 pieces. It's a LONG way from 365, but it's a good start for January.



Coasters [wenatchee visual art + design]

Maybe it was those little post-it note squares, but now I'm having fun coloring on a different little square: the coaster. Have recently decided I don't like business cards (I never hand them out and rarely keep the ones I get) but want to have something to send out with my art when purchased. First I had coasters printed (with my art) and I do love them, but small run coasters are not cheap. Then I discovered with a little experimentation that you can buy blanks and paint on them! So now each order comes with another little hand made piece that is also useful! I love multi-tasking products.
